General questions about Hudy Tire Truers and accessories |
Q: Why should I get a Hudy tire truer when there are other brands available? |
A: Hudy Tire Truers are not only what professional racers world-wide demand, but they are also the brand of choice for home-based racers. What makes Hudy Tire Truers superior is the philosophy used in their design, development, and test and production phases. To design our tire truers, our engineers use the most advanced 3D CAD system to ensure the best possible performance. Then, computer controlled CNC machines produce the parts to highly accurate specs from high-tech alloys. After assembly, every single truer is individually tested under extreme race conditions, and undergoes rigorous, top-quality control inspection by specially-trained technicians. When the truer passes the test, it is assigned a unique identification number and Hudy signature that ensures 100% reliability and unsurpassed quality.
Factors like comfort, safety and easy of use are primary design concerns during development and production of any piece of equipment by Hudy. Every tire truer we manufacture, right down to the set screws, is designed and assembled with pride and care. That’s why our tire truers are second to none.
Q: What Hudy tire truer should I purchase? |
A: Hudy offers one highest-quality tire truer each for truing slot car tires and micro car tires, so the choice is simple.
However, if you are truing 1/8, 1/10, or 1/12 scale tires, you have several Hudy tire truers to choose from, each with features to allow you to get the right one for your needs and budget. Before deciding what tire truer to purchase, you have to know that every Hudy Tire Truer features:
- innovative design using leading-edge CAD technology
- rigorous testing during and after production phases to ensure 100% perfect craftsmanship and operation
- hard anodized surfaces, surface-treated aluminum
- adjustable truing diameter and truing angle (0°–2°) using fine pitch lead screws
- installed slave motor, electronics, switches, and connection cable
- rugged, long-life collection tray for ground rubber
- transparent plexiglass protective cover
- installed and calibrated cutting tool holder
- installed cutting tool
- fuse overload protection
- optional wheel adapters fit all Hudy tire truers
To summarize the main differences of available Hudy tire truers for 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12 scale tires:
Hudy Universal Tire Truers – a collection of three standard tire truers suitable for truing 1/10 and 1/12 scale tires, but not 1/8 scale tires. These truers are available in 110VAC, 220VAC, and 12VDC versions. Manual or wheel-operated truing operation.
Hudy Power Tire Truer – suitable for truing 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12 scale tires. 12VDC operation, with manual or wheel-operated truing operation.
Hudy Excellent Tire Truer, Fully Automatic – the ultimate professional tire truer for those that demand the best! Suitable for truing 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12 scale tires. 12VDC operation, with fully automatic truing operation. |
Q: I want to get a Hudy Universal Tire Truer. Should I get an AC or DC version? |
A: If you decide that the features of the Hudy Universal Tire Truer are best suited to your needs and budget, but you don’t know whether to get the AC or DC version, consider where you will be using your truer. If you will always be using the truer where there is always AC power, you can choose either the 110VAC or 220VAC version (depending on the standard AC voltage levels of your country). If you will be using the truer where there is no AC power (such as outdoor races), then you may be better to get the 12VDC version and have access to a 12VDC power source. |
Q: Can I use a DC power supply to power a DC tire truer? |
A: Yes, you can connect a DC truer to DC power supply, but the power supply must be able to supply at least 20A. |
Q: Why won’t the 12VDC automatic truer work on the slowest movement speed? |
A: Connecting the Hudy Excellent Automatic Tire Truer to a 12VDC power source will not allow the truer to operate at its slowest tool movement speed. If you want to use the slowest speed, connect the truer to a 14 16VDC power source. |
Q: How much can I grind off a tire in one pass? |
A: While Hudy tire truers are rigorously tested under extreme overload conditions (which includes grinding down tires to much smaller diameters in a single pass) we do not recommend you do this to ensure the long life of the product. If you are planning to grind more than 2mm off the tire diameter, we recommend you do it in two or more stages. |
Q: How fast should I cut a tire when using the automatic truer? |
A: You can use increased speeds when grinding tires up to 35 shore. You should use reduced speeds when grinding tires over 35 shore. |
Q: Why is the diameter of a trued tire smaller than the grinding setting on the truer? |
A: This sometimes happens with truing softer tires, which tend to expand when rotating. The truer cuts at the set diameter; however, when the tire stops spinning the foam shrinks and may cause the tire to be a smaller diameter than what you desired. Therefore, when grinding soft compound tires we recommend that you adjust the grinding diameter to a slightly bigger diameter than the one you effectively desire.
It may also occur that the upper measuring plate on the truer is slightly misaligned with the markings on the tool holder. Measure the diameter of the trued tire. Loosen the two screws of the upper measuring plate, and then shift the plate to align with the diameter value of the measured tire.
Q: My tire truer has a wheel for the truing operation… how do I use it? |
A: All Hudy tire truers except for the Hudy Excellent Automatic Tire Truer feature manual or wheel-operated truing operation. The position of the small mechanical switch at the end of the truer. When the mechanical switch is open, use the operation wheel to run the tool support across the tire. When the mechanical switch is closed, manually move the tool support across the tire. |
Q: Does the tire truer come with wheel adapters? |
A: No, Hudy tire truers do not come with wheel adapters since there is no one universal wheel adapter that would mount all wheel types; each wheel type wheel requires a unique wheel adapter. Hudy offers a full line of wheel adapters to fit all popular wheel types, and all Hudy wheel adapters fit all Hudy tire truers. |
Q: What is the difference between the standard cutting saw and the carbide cutting tool? |
A: The standard cutting saw is made of hardened steel with a serrated cutting edge, its simple robust design should give you many hours of precision grinding. The carbide cutting tool is made of ultra-hard carbide, which offers the best performance for grinding foam tires, and an extra-long lifespan. |
Q: How do I maintain the tire truer? |
A: Please refer to the maintenance instructions included with the Hudy tire truer.
In general, you should do the following:
* ensure that you remove the ground rubber from the collection tray after grinding
* clean any ground rubber from the whole truer using a paintbrush or compressed air
* keep all leading bars and the motion screws clean and properly lubricated
* ensure that all moving parts move easily and without any binding
Q: What should I do if the tire truer is not working properly? |
A: Please refer to the troubleshooting instructions included with the Hudy tire truer. |
Q: What kind of fuses are used in the truer? |
A: All truers except for the Hudy Excellent Automatic Tire Truer use only a single 30A main motor fuse (Hudy replacement part # 102266) which is accessible from the front of the truer.
The Hudy Excellent Automatic Tire Truer uses two fuses: a 30A main motor fuse (Hudy replacement part # 102266), and a 3A gearbox motor fuse (Hudy replacement part # 102265). Both fuses are accessible from the front of the truer.